Tuesday, February 22, 2005

The "Wild" Animal Kingdom

Charley, Left-Arrow, Diagonal-Line and Six-Point. The cutting edge in animal rights. Those are the names of 4 penguins in a Berlin zoo that are gay. No gay as in: "Dude, that Star Wars Episode I movie was gay," but gay as in: "George Lucas had gay sex with his fan's asses when he made Star Wars Episode I."
These radical penguins have decided to pair off instead of mating with female penguins, causing a problem in the zoo since these are endangered species. In an effort to procreate, the zoo has brought in female penguins from Sweden (apparently these are blonde, sexy, slutty female penguins) to entice these noble creatures.
Now, up to this point, I have not made any of this up. What follows is so unbelievable, that I put this link to the story (while it lasts) because sometimes you have to read it to believe it.
Here we go.
Gay and lesbian groups protested the zoo's move to bring in female penguins to "straighten" the male penguins. And they won. The zoo decided not to introduce the females into the male environment and to let the male penguins enjoy their own company. So, score one for the gay and lesbian community.
We're here! We're queer! We're PENGUINS FOR THE LOVE OF CHRIST!

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